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Exclusive app for
“Olle Pass” Simple Prepaid
payment service

ClientJEJU OLLE x Korea Prepaid Card
ProjectOperates simple prepaid payment service for an Olle Pass app
IndustryWalking Travel
KPC and Jeju Olle have signed a cooperative contract for the business project to digitally transform the travel experience and operation system of Jeju Olle Trail, which is managed and operated in analog. We are currently focusing our core capabilities on the success of this project.

KPC is especially building and maintaining the "Olle Pass" app based on its know-how in operating prepaid simple payment services such as Mobile POP. The "Olle Pay" prepaid simple payment service will allow users from the Olle Pass app to earn benefits and experience the best, simple payment services. Users will be able to make payments during the trail courses through bar code after the payment is made up front.

KPC holds a license for the electronic finance business and provides a stable "Olle Pay" prepayment service. Olle Pay has signed a payment partnership with affiliates in various categories such as "restaurants, cafes, accommodations, tickets, and shopping" around Olle Trail courses and offers great discounts and variety of benefits.
Chilax (Chiling and Relaxing) Trail app,
"Olle Pass" where people share
their thoughts and values
Jeju Olle Trailer (26 courses, 425km) and tourists will be able to fully focus on their trail courses by experiencing the most memorable walk through Olle Pass.
"Olle Pay" a simple prepaid payment service that can be used as cash after paying the advance payment at the local franchises in Jeju Island.
- Cafe, restaurant, accommodation, shopping, ticket payment.
- Traveler center, information center, "Byeolchaegbulog" book store.
- Sponsor Payment for Jeju Olle